
Faculty Name: Health and Sciences
Study Program: Biology
First Operation: July 2011
Accreditation: B
Accreditation Number: 0741 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / S / III / 2017
Email : [email protected]


Becoming the foremost and exemplary study program in shaping human character oriented to nature conversation and have excellence in terms of academic, professional, and culturally minded quality.


  1. Conducting educational programs in conversation biology by providing not only scientific theory but also practical applications in biodiversity conversation areas and their supporting factors located in Bali and surroundings.
  2. Conducting student character education that will be able to form self-confidence, integrity, pluralism, entrepreneurship, servant leadership, professionalism, and worldwide in managing and creating sustainable environmental preservation programs.
  3. Building an academic atmosphere that is able to stimulate the creativity of lecturers and students to conduct relevant and up-to-date research with an orientation to sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism development.



The biology study program of Dhyana Pura University is part of higher education institution based on science and environment established as the basic and efforts to utilize natural resources in Bali and globally optimally, environmentally friendly, and sustainable.

Our environment is slowly but surely experiencing a decline in the quality of its support capacity, fostering awareness for environmental rescue as a support for better lives in the future and becoming an orientation to open a Study Program that cares about environmental harm and provides motivations for society to participate and care about the prevention of global warming that impact of all mankind today.

The field of biological sciences, especially expertise in conversation biology is needed, because this discipline is expected to make a significant contribution to the handling of natural resource management issues, including forests, agriculture, fisheries, marine, and wildlife, which currently need to get more attention from all components of society as well as answers to threats to biodiversity sustainability. Graduates of this program are prepared to become Practitioners, Researchers, Educators, or Entrepreneurs in their fields.