Early Childhood Education

Faculty Name: Economics, Business and Humanities
Study Program: Early Childhood Education
First Operation: July 2011
Accreditation: B
Accreditation Number: 0226/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/I/2017
Website: paud.undhirabali.ac.id/
Email : [email protected]


To become an exemplary and excellent study program in the field of Early Childhood Education


To make the Early Childhood Teacher Education Study Program at Dhyana Pura University as a center for the formation of a complete human being with academic, character, professional, behavioral, and spiritual qualities in the field of Education Early Childhood.

Profile of Graduates of Early Childhood Education Study Program

No Graduates Profile Graduates Profile Descriptions
1 Educator (Teacher) Professional educators who have competence in the early childhood education place by planning, managing, and evaluating learning creatively, innovatively, and meaningfully.



To have managerial skills in early childhood education administration who has ability of the basics of corporate institutional to plan, manage, and solve organizational and corporate problems in early childhood education through a values-oriented, logical, comprehensive, creative, and innovative approach
3 Entrepreneur To have a soul leadership and entrepreneurship in the development of creative and innovative early childhood education